Our Technology

Our indoor golf simulator recreation facility is equipped with high-tech system that enables you to practice golf indoors in a virtually simulated golf environment. It is a computerized golf setup designed to mimic the real game, helping you analyze your swing, understand your weaknesses, and improve your game without having to go to your local course. 

The technology of GolfersCreek Simulators is soo advanced that you will forget that you are playing Virtual Golf in a simulated environment.

  • Automatic Ball Teeing – No more BENDING! and breaking your BACK to tee up. The ball is ready to be hit by the next player meaning more time to GOLF!
  • Hydraulic Tilting Swing Plate – The hitting platform lifts and tilts to emulate the real course lie.
  • Short Game - Good at putting and chipping? You should try the flop shot!
  • Accuracy - High-speed overhead cameras record your swing and the movement of the ball with pinpoint accuracy. This provides a comprehensive analysis of your swing, including information on ball speed and spin, carry, and direction of movement.
Golfers Creek
Golfers Creek
Golfers Creek